Friday, December 14, 2018

Herbal Tea Blend

Naturally caffeine-free herbal tea, which originated in ancient China and Egypt, has been used for centuries to boost health and satisfy the palate. Much time can be devoted to studying the historical uses of these herbs; how they have been thought to benefit particular parts and functions of the body. Alternatively, herbal teas can be appreciated simply for their unique and delicious flavors. Blending teas is a fun way to explore how different flavors can enhance each other.

For our holiday gift, we combined herbal teas from four corners of the earth to create "harmony herbal tea." 


Nettle leaves, in their fresh state, can cause a painful sting when touched. Fortunately, once processed they are safe to eat and add an understated “green” flavor. Nettles can be eaten in salads or soups and have been used in European traditional medicine to treat digestive and skin problems.


Peppermint has a direct connection with the flavors and smells of Christmas. Candy canes, after all, are flavored with peppermint. Traditional medicine uses peppermint for minor ailments and is thought to enhance memory and alertness.


Licorice contains a compound that is 30-50 times more sweet than sugar. It is used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. In Europe, it is often combined with mint, anise or laurel in the production of distinctly flavored sweets.


The English name “dandelion” is derived from the French “dent-de-lion” which means “lion’s tooth.” Dandelion has been used as an herbal remedy all around the world. It is employed to treat inflammation and is known as a diuretic. Our dandelion has been toasted, contributing a subtle warmth to the blend. has a great article, listing herbs, their traditional uses and recommended proportions for blends:

Who knows? Maybe a new tradition could be created with your unique herbal tea blend becoming an alternative to the standard holiday pumpkin-spice flavor.

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